Healthy Youth Environments

All youth deserve good health and success. We support schools and youth sites in developing, implementing, and sustaining policy, systems, and environmental improvements to meet their unique needs and provide a healthy environment for children and adolescents to thrive.

Wellness Policy Revision and Communication

Support written Local School Wellness Policy (LWP) review, revision, dissemination, and communication with school stakeholders.

Local Wellness Policy
Wellness Committees

Support written Local School Wellness Policy (LWP) review, revision, dissemination, and communication with school stakeholders.

Start a Wellness Committee
Staff Development

Train-the-Trainer courses on evidence-based curricula and resources to support policy implementation and encourage healthy youth behaviors.

School/Youth Based Agriculture

Train partners to implement and sustain gardens, farm-to-school produce procurement, and farm-to-school education through events, projects, taste tests, and activities.

Farm to School Nutrition Programs
Nutrition Practices and Environment

Support partner sites in creating nourishing environments for youth to make healthy food choices

Smarter Lunchrooms
Physical Activity Practices and Evnironment

Support improvements in physical activity (PA) practices and environments by emplying the tenets of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP)

Learn More about CSPAPLet's Play AZ Recess Toolkit

We are committed to offering program support to achieve a Healthy Childhood Environment